If you receive this newsletter then you probably know of my Masters obsession. I look forward to the tournament each year, whether that anticipation is rational or not. I have the Riesling, I’ve barricaded myself into my apartment like Verne Lundquist, I just need some Jim Nantz platitudes about tradition and I’m ready to go.
I wrote a piece about my personal Masters preparations for Michael Williams’s new site ACL Golf. You can read the story here. Make sure to check out his site, which is also about travel, tailoring and other good topics. I wrote another story about the mystique of Augusta for the old ACL in the innocent year 2015.
A couple years ago I wrote something for The Masters site itself, which is wild. And it’s wilder still that this photo of Michael and me is still on the Masters website. Somewhere on the internet is my interview on the official Masters podcast which just felt downright surreal then and even more so now.
The Masters always feels like the beginning of Spring. Hopefully we’re all heading into a healthier and happier season, which is something worth celebrating. Salut!
You often talk about Riesling. My experience with this varietal has been a mixed bag. Do you have one (or more) under $25 that you can recommend? Thanks!
I'll admit I was skeptical. As a newly-minted 'golfer,' I perhaps had ever so slightly more interest in professional golf this year than in the 30-odd years of my life prior. But you and Michael rarely point in completely wrong directions (though we'll forever disagree about black shoes). So with this skepticism firmly ensconced, I fired up The Masters coverage on Thursday to see if I could tolerate it long enough to maybe learn something from the way the pros play.
It's now Saturday and I've watched at least 30 hours of coverage.
I'm not much for television or movies, so that 30 hours likely exceeds my tv-watching for the...six months? prior. It's the best thing going. I'm a fan. I couldn't even tell you what exactly it is, but I am CAPTIVATED.
Thank you, and goddamnit,