Welcome to the Game
Hey now! I’m David Coggins, author of The Believer (Scribner), The Optimist and the NYT bestseller Men and Style. For years I’ve written about travel and style, from where to buy a suit in Naples to great whisky bars in Tokyo.
I started The Contender to connect with people who share these passions. Here you’ll find stories about everything from how to wear a tuxedo to Bahamas fly fishing to good literary biographies to the nostalgic case for bad beer. I also answer reader questions every month where we reach a new level of obsessive detail. I’m really happy that we’ve created an active, generous and thoughtful community.
Subscribers also receive Central Division, a weekly podcast I record with my good friend Michael Williams, of ACL fame. We talk about media, design, travel and how to take the long view. When you sign up you’ll have access to the complete archive of over 300 articles and 150 podcasts.
I’m glad you’re here.
Welcome to the game.