I’m sitting calmly waiting for advance copies of The Optimist to arrive, which UPS has kindly informed me will happen between 11am and 2pm. So I’m not that calm—more like a state of nervous excitement. So I thought I’d take some of your questions, which we haven't done in a while. Since the fishing season has just begun and my book is about to arrive I thought we could focus on fishing or any questions about the book itself (which you can pre-order here or from your local).
If you’re new to the proceedings, feel free to ask a question in the comments section. Try to limit it to one (for everybody’s sanity) and just in case you’re still wondering we’ve covered the best khakis thoroughly (RRL military chino, if money’s not an issue). If you have an insight to somebody else’s question feel free to add it.
Thanks everybody!
This is Joan Wulff, The First Lady of Fly Fishing, who’s still going strong in Lew Beach, NY.
David - First, the podcast has been especially excellent the last few episodes. Thanks for continuing to put out such a good hour every week.
I was in Big Sky/Bozeman back in March and was blown away by the Western Cafe. Do you have favorite restaurants/bars/cafes to get the latest conditions, swap tales tell, and/or have a frosty beverage after a day on the water? Montana or otherwise...
As a man of rules, I was surprised to read your position on brown oxfords. As someone indoctrinated in the London City uniform of navy suit, black shoes, white shirt, I cannot contemplate any alternative. (BTW I love your conversations with Michael)